If you are someone who is currently overwhelmed with debt that you simply cannot figure out how to pay off, you may not know where to turn or what the next step should be. While in many cases, there are alternatives to bankruptcy, for most people, bankruptcy is actually a fantastic option that is nowhere near as intimidating as it sounds, especially with the assistance of a knowledgeable Rockland County bankruptcy attorney at their side. The first step in filing for bankruptcy is determining which forms you will need, where to find them, and how to begin the process. Here are some of the questions you may have:
Where are the forms to file for bankruptcy?
There are copies of the official bankruptcy forms at www.uscourts.gov/forms/bankruptcy-forms, though our firm can draw up copies of those forms on your behalf as well. That being said, depending on your circumstances and where you live, your local bankruptcy court may require you to fill out additional forms and have certain special requirements for filing your petition. Our firm can point you in the right direction.
How do I file my bankruptcy forms?
When you hire our firm, we will file all of your bankruptcy forms on your behalf. We will then go over these forms together, and as long as you are satisfied, you will simply sign the documents and file them electronically with the court. That being said, you can represent yourself in court when filing for bankruptcy, though this is generally not the best idea. By hiring an experienced Rockland County bankruptcy attorney, you can ensure that you will have sound advice on whether you should file, which chapter to file, which debts can be discharged via filing for bankruptcy, which assets you will be able to keep, and more.