If you are currently undergoing a serious financial struggle, you may feel as if you have no place else to turn to besides a bankruptcy filing. But with this, you may be unsure where to start. Well, the first step is almost always scheduling an initial consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer. Without further ado, read on to discover how you can prepare for a free initial consultation with a seasoned Rockland County bankruptcy attorney from The Law Offices of Allen A. Kolber, Esq.
How should I ready myself for an initial consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer?
Simply put, the more insight into your current financial problems that you provide to your bankruptcy lawyer, the more they may be able to help you resolve them. And the best way to offer this insight is by sharing certain financial documents with them. You may rest assured knowing that your lawyer will keep this disclosed information confidential. Examples of relevant financial documents are as follows:
- Copies of your income tax returns from the last two years or so.
- Copies of your bank statement from the last six months or so.
- Copies of your pay stubs from the last six months or so.
- A copy of your current mortgage statement(s).
- A copy of your current car loan(s).
- A copy of your current retirement account(s).
- A copy of your current investment account(s).
- A copy of your life insurance policy.
- Copies of financial statements related to your business, if applicable.
It is worth mentioning that you should also offer your bankruptcy lawyer forms of identification, such as your driver’s license and Social Security card.
What questions should I ask my bankruptcy lawyer?
In addition to these financial documents, it may be best if you jot down any questions you wish to ask your bankruptcy lawyer. You may rest assured knowing that your lawyer will not think any question is too frivolous to answer. Questions that are commonly asked in an initial consultation are as follows:
- Is there any other option for me besides filing for bankruptcy?
- Is it possible to keep my house and other high-value assets when filing for bankruptcy?
- What is the difference between a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and which should I file?
- What will my bankruptcy petition consist of?
- What will my overall bankruptcy proceedings consist of?
- What is the estimated time my bankruptcy proceedings will take?
- What is the estimated cost of my bankruptcy proceedings?
- What documents do I need to prepare for my next meeting?
As you may likely conclude yourself, you may have a dire financial situation on your hands that requires immediate action. So you should not hesitate in reaching out to a competent Rockland County bankruptcy attorney from The Law Offices of Allen A. Kolber, Esq.